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Doc. Number: 00029A.WP


2. OBJECTIVE: To provide purchasing and our suppliers with a clear understanding of our requirements so that products and services meet our quality standards and purchase order requirements.

3. SCOPE: This procedure applies to all direct material (and to specified indirect material, including services) purchased by Meson Group companies including Chemical Co. Ltd.



Supplier (Vendor) can be either the manufacturer, sub-contractor or the distributor of the product or service.
Quality, in this document, means meeting our stated and implied needs for usability, availability, price, reliability and consistency.
Company or our means a company owned or controlled by the Meson Group, Inc.
Product is the manufactured material or service sold by a supplier to the Company.
Direct Material is a product which has been assigned a part number by our company. It includes all items which are normally purchased as part of the ongoing operation of the business.
Defect is absence of one or more characteristics from the intended usage or specified requirements.

Critical Defect is likely to:

  • Cause harm to the user

  • Render the item useless

Major Defect is likely to:

  • Materially reduce the commercial value of the item

  • Materially reduce the usability of the item

Minor Defect is a departure from specification that has little bearing on the effective use or operation of the item. Aesthetic defects are often in this class.

On-Time Delivery

On "Ship to Arrive by" dates delivery is on-time if the material arrives up to three working days before that date (PROMISED Date).

Early Delivery is a shipment received more than three working days before the PROMISED Date.

Late Delivery is a shipment delivered after the PROMISED Date.

Ship Date is the actual date order was shipped to us by the supplier.

RECV Date is the date we received the material at our plant.

Order Date is the date we placed the purchase order with the supplier.

REQ'D Date is the original date we requested the material to arrive.

PROMISED Date is the original delivery date promised by the supplier and agreed to by us. This includes delivery promised by a supplier in a long term agreement.

Ship to Arrive on MM/DD/YY is the code used for critical items. It means that the goods absolutely, positively must be received at the plant on that day. The supplier's ship date should be the arrival date less the number of days to ship the product.

Ship to Arrive by MM/DD/YY is the code used for most shipments, unless specifically indicated otherwise.

Over-shipment is more than two percent (2%) or $30 over the requested quantity (whichever is less).

Under-shipment is anything less than the requested quantity.


  • Purchase Order Requirements:

  • Standard Requirements (A)

  • Non-standard Requirements (B & C)

  • Supplier Quality Agreement

Standard Supplier Requirements (Appendix "A")
The Requirements listed in appendix "A" have been determined to be essential for the safety, quality and effective control of all company products. These requirements apply to all suppliers and products supplied whether or not this attachment or this quality procedure is included or specifically mentioned on the purchase order.

Special Quality Requirements (Appendix "B")
The Special Requirements listed in appendix "B" herein have been determined to be essential for the safety, quality or for effective control of some company products. The Special Requirements apply to all suppliers and products supplied when the product code in the appendix is included on the purchase order.

Drop Shipped or Company Furnished Material (Appendix "C")
When directed by the purchase order to ship company product to a facility not owned by the company, the quality requirements in appendix "C" shall apply. These requirements apply to all suppliers and products when the product code in this appendix is cited or is included on the purchase order.

If a carrier is requested in the Purchase Order or in any long term agreement, all shipments must arrive by that carrier unless a waiver is given by purchasing.

Supplier Corrective Action
Defect free material and correct shipments (right quantity, right time, shipped the right way) are essential for achieving our commitment to service and cost containment. Failure to provide these requirements without prompt corrective action and improvement will result in removal from the Supplier List.

10.6.1 Supplier Defective Material

1. A Defective Material Report (DMR) is used by the Company to report defective (non-conforming) supplier products (found at incoming inspection, audit or from customer complaints). Corrective Action Requests (CAR) are used to request corrective action by the Supplier.

2. The supplier's corrective action plan must be meaningful and with a complete description of the cause and of the corrective action which will prevent its re-occurrence. The corrective action must include an effective date for the stated corrective action.

3. It is critical that all corrective action plans be complete, legible and submitted in a timely manner to the Purchasing Manager. We expect a sense of urgency in solving the immediate problem and in establishing a permanent solution to the problem. Responses will be rated on promptness and on evidence that the supplier understands the problem and has a viable solution to the underlying problem. When we visit the supplier we will monitor how they are implementing the changes they promised.

4. Response to the Corrective Action Request (CAR) is required within ten (10) working days of receipt if the defect is minor. If we designate the defect as major or critical the response to the Corrective Action Request is required within five (5) working days of receipt. Failure to respond within the indicated time frame may result in removal from the Supplier List.

5. The acceptance of defective (non-conforming) material is the sole prerogative of the Company. Material known to be non-conforming shall not be shipped unless specifically authorized in writing by the Company.

10.6.2 Supplier Delivery Problems

1. A Supplier Delivery Report and/or a Supplier Performance Report are the documents used by the company to report Supplier material which is shipped incorrectly. Supplier Delivery Reports measure the reliability of our supplier in meeting their delivery dates, quantities and other delivery commitments.

2. The Corrective Action Request (CAR) is used to request corrective actions by the Supplier.

3. Supplier corrective action plans must be meaningful and with a complete description of the cause and corrective action which will prevent its re-occurrence. The corrective action must include an effective date for the stated corrective action. Response to corrective action request for Delivery problems is required within ten (10) working days of receipt by supplier.

4. The acceptance of incorrectly shipped material is the sole prerogative of the Company. Incorrect shipments can be the result of:
1. Late or Early deliveries
2. Over or Under Shipments
3. Delivery of the wrong material
4. Damaged shipments
5. Not using the specified carrier
6. Failing to meet the requirements specified in the appendices.

10.7 Access to Supplier Facilities

1. Supplier facilities and applicable records shall be made available to the Company or a government agency such as DCAS upon request.
2. Government Source Inspection at supplier facilities shall be implemented when contractually required.
3. Periodic supplier quality audits may be performed by the Company.

10.8 Supplier Honesty

To avoid any possible embarrassment to your company or to ours, we expect suppliers to compete strictly on the basis of quality, service and cost. No supplier shall seek improper advantage through the use of any form of kickback, entertainment, gifts or other gratuities. Any act which might influence or reasonable be thought to influence any employee's judgment in making a business decision is forbidden.

10.9 Supplier Quality Ratings
The supplier will be rated on the number and type of defects as well as his delivery performance and technical support.

10.10 Supplier Partnerships

It is the company's objective to reduce the number of suppliers to the lowest reasonable number and to work only with preferred suppliers. Suppliers whose performance rating is high will be offered long term single-source contracts. The ultimate goal is a long term relationship (supplier partnership) in which we give the supplier as much of our business as possible and the supplier takes complete ownership of the quality of the products they supply, enabling us to discontinue incoming inspection.


MIL-I-45208, MIL-STD-45662, ISO 9001, FED-STD-368
QP00016: Supplier Defective Material
QP00015: Receiving Inspection Reports
QP00033: Supplier Performance Reports

12. AMENDMENT HISTORY: Original Release



Appendix "A" Dated 11/06/93

QP00029: Supplier Quality Requirements


This appendix to QP00029 details the requirements for all products purchased by American Gas and Chemical Co. Ltd. or by Delphian Corporation. These requirements have been determined to be essential for the safety, quality and effective control of all company products. These requirements are an integral part of all purchase orders whether or not specifically mentioned.

A1. Supplier Shipping Requirements

Container Markings

Each product shall be in its own container marked on the outside with the following information:
1. Supplier Name
2. Our Part Number
3. Our Purchase Order Number (must also on Bill Of Lading and on Packing slip)
4. Our Work Order number(s) (if provided).
5. Quantity Shipped
6. Number of containers ie: 1 of 2, 2 of 2.
7. If a number of smaller containers are to be shipped together in a larger container, each smaller container shall be marked and the larger container shall list all items inside.
8. Bar Codes (if requested).
9. If the product is a chemical, it shall have product safety labeling as per paragraph A2.

Packing list and certifications and MSDS

1. The packing list and certifications and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be well identified and easily located. Certifications and the MSDS shall be attached to the packing list. In cases where the Packing list is also the certification, it shall be so stated and two (2) copies of the packing list shall be provided to assure receipt, inspection and acceptance.
2. Any special notes or information about the parts shall be included on the packing list and certifications.
3. The Packing List shall be in an envelope on the outside of the container.
4. Our Part Number must be on the Bill of Lading and on the Packing Slip.

Segregation of material

Parts being sent for evaluation or requiring special handling of any kind must be kept segregated from all other parts and shall be clearly identified.

Packing of parts

1. Parts shall be carefully wrapped and packaged in substantial containers to prevent handling and shipment damage as defined by good commercial practice. Parts shall be wrapped, bagged, or otherwise protected to prevent scratches, tarnish and corrosion.
2. Small parts shall not be packaged in light weight plastic bags or containers which could easily open.
3. Peanuts (small foam pellets) shall not be used.
4. All Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) sensitive devices shall be in packaged and marked in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-1686.

Date Code or Expiration Date

No product shall be shipped, without a written concession from purchasing, that has:
1. an expiration date of less than one year from the date of shipment or
2. a date code (manufactured date) of more than one year before the date of shipment.

Material for only one Manufacturer

No product shall be shipped, without a written concession from purchasing, that contains products from two or more manufacturers even if the purchase descriptions lists them as equal.

A2. Chemical and Gas Requirements

OSHA Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

If requested on the Purchase Order or if the MSDS has changed since the last shipment, all chemicals must arrive with an OSHA approved MSDS attached to the Packing Slip.

Product Safety Labeling

The outside container of all chemicals must have safety labeling in accordance with the requirements of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, the New Jersey Right to Know Law and the Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) developed by the National Paint and Coatings Association, Washington DC (The National Fire Protection Associations hazard warning system is an acceptable alternate to HMIS, but is not preferred). The safety information must be stenciled on the container or affixed by a permanent label in the following manner: On 55 gallon drums, five gallon pails, fiber drums and bags the safety information must be affixed to the side of the container, as near as possible to other information included on the container and positioned so that when the other information is upright, the safety information is also upright and easily readable from an appropriate distance.

If a label or stencil on each package is not practical, the safety information must be attached to the pallet and easily visible.

Batch Numbers
No material shall be shipped from more than one batch, without a written concession from Purchasing.

Appendix "B" Dated 11/06/93

QP00029: Supplier Quality Requirements


This appendix to QP00029 establishes the special quality requirements and matching code number for products purchased by the Meson Group Companies (Delphian Corporation or American Gas and Chemical Company Ltd.) If requested on a Purchase Order (P.O.) this document is an integral part of the Purchase Order. The Specific requirements of this appendix that apply to a P.O. are called out by code number on the P.O. or procurement contract.

Code #

B1. MILITARY INSPECTION SYSTEM: The Supplier shall certify that their inspection system conforms to the requirements of MIL-I-45208 or MIL-Q-9858.
B2. QUALITY SYSTEM: The Supplier's quality system shall be certified to conform to the requirements of ISO 9000.
B3. ARTWORK: The artwork supplied with this order must be returned with the initial delivery. The invoice may not be processed until it is received.
B4. CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE (CERT): All items must be accompanied by a Certificate of Conformance issued by the Supplier, certifying that all materials, processes and finished items supplied to the order were inspected (or tested) and found to comply with the requirements of the order and the applicable specifications (including any approval agency or military requirements cited). The certificate shall include:
a. Our Purchase order number.
b. Quantity Shipped.
c. Serial numbers or batch or lot numbers as applicable. (No shipment can contain product from more than one batch or lot number).
The certificate shall be dated and shall bear the title, name and signature of an authorized Supplier representative. Test and inspection data shall be kept on file by the Supplier and be available for review, on request.
B5. DIMENSIONAL TEST DATA: A copy of the Supplier's test report containing quantitative results of all dimensional measurements is required with each lot.
B6. FUNCTIONAL TEST DATA: A copy of the Supplier's final test report containing quantitative results of all electrical/functions tests is required with each lot.
B7. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL ANALYSIS: A copy of the Supplier's test report containing quantitative results of chemical and physical analysis is required with each lot.

B8. SUPPLIER DRAWING CONTROL (SDC): Certain supplier designed products are critical to the manufacturability or safety of the products made by the Company. Changes in these products or their manufacturing or testing process could have an adverse affect on the quality of the Company's products. On these products the following shall apply:

a. The supplier shall provide notification of design changes to the Company prior to shipment for review of impact on fit, form and function.
b. The supplier shall provide notification of process changes on fixed process materials to the Company prior to shipment of material for review of impact.
c. Notification of design/process changes shall not require the release of proprietary design/process data to the company nor does it relieve the supplier of meeting established Company drawing or specification requirements.

B9. FIRST ARTICLE INSPECTION: A First Article Inspection (FAI) is required prior to delivery of the first production unit to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the PO and referenced specifications. Manufacturing of the remaining Lot without approval of the first unit is at the Suppliers risk. This inspection shall be performed by the Company (with the participation of a Supplier representative if requested). We need at least 5 working days notice to schedule a FAI test.

B10. FIRST PIECE INSPECTION REPORT: A first piece inspection report (FPIR) is required with the first Lot supplied to this PO. The inspection shall be performed by the Supplier using the provided form and shall have 100% of all attributes inspected. The piece used for this inspection shall be labeled and clearly identified.

B11. IN PROCESS SOURCE INSPECTION: All work performed under this order is subject to our inspection or test at the Supplier's plant on or prior to final testing by the Supplier. Our representative may select to witness inspection/testing either on a random basis or up to the extent of 100%. Unless specified otherwise on the PO the Supplier shall notify our QA Dept. not less than 7 working days prior to the scheduled performance of final testing and acceptance by the Supplier.

B12. SOURCE INSPECTION: All work under this order is subject to our inspection or test at the Supplier's plant prior to shipment. Our representative may select to perform inspection or test either on a random basis or up to the extent of 100%. The supplier shall provide test facilities for our representative to verify contract conformance. The Supplier shall notify our Purchasing Dept. not less than 7 working days prior to need of such inspection/test.

B13. GOVERNMENT SOURCE INSPECTION/THIRD PARTY INSPECTION: Government inspection is required prior to shipment from your plant. Upon receipt of this order, promptly notify the Government representative who normally services your plant so that appropriate planning for Government inspection can be accomplished. If a Government representative does not service your plant, contact the Air Force, Army, or Navy Inspection Office. If you cannot locate the Government office, our Purchasing agent should be notified immediately.

B14. RAW MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION: All raw material supplied under this order must be identified with the application, type, condition, batch number and manufacturer of the material.

B15. PROCESS CONTROL: A plan for the implementation of Statistical Process Control (SPC) shall be submitted by the Supplier for review and approval prior to the initiation of production.

B16. CALIBRATION: The Supplier shall control all test and measuring equipment used for acceptance of items deliverable under this PO in accordance with MIL-STD-45662.

B17. INSPECTION SYSTEM: The Supplier shall maintain an inspection system adequate to assure that supplies shipped against this order meet all the applicable requirements. The system shall, also, provide for the maintenance of records and data of all inspections and test performed and shall make these records available for examination and verification by our representatives upon request.

B18. MATERIAL AGE: Only items manufactured within xx months prior to the date of shipment may be supplied to this order (xx = 12 months if no time is specified with this code).

B19. LIMITED SHELF LIFE ITEMS: The Supplier shall provide on the CERT. the expiration date, or date of manufacture, permissible shelf life, the lot or batch number, storage temperature and include any other pertinent information. The above shall also appear on the labels of the individual items or containers. The material should not exceed 25% of total shelf life expiration date upon shipment.

B20. RAW MATERIAL: Raw material used in the fabrication of parts on this order shall be traceable to a mechanical and chemical analysis. The tests shall conform to the current material specification or acceptance tests. A copy of the actual analysis shall accompany each delivery. The Supplier is also required to provide a certificate of conformance which includes a statement that the parts delivered have been fabricated from the material certified.

B21. SUPPLEMENTARY QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS: The Supplier shall meet all the supplementary quality assurance requirements specified on the attached SQAP (Supplementary Quality Assurance Provisions).

B22. STATEMENT OF WORK: The Supplier shall meet all requirements outlined in the attached SOW (Statement of Work).

B23. OUR WORK ORDER NUMBER: Include our Work Order number on the outside of each container.

B24. BAR CODE: Our Part number should be bar coded on the outside of each container.

B25. SPECIAL LABEL: The outside of each container should have the label we furnished.

B26. TOOLING: All tooling for the product must be returned with the next shipment of the product.

B27. SUPPLIER NUMBER: The outside of each container should have our Supplier Identification Number.

B28. MSDS: A OSHA approved Material Safety Data Sheet shall be attached to the packing list.

B29. INSPECTION LEVEL: If provided on the purchase order or if known by the Supplier, the Inspection Level "A", "B", "C" or "D" (as defined in Document QP00030: Supplier Performance Ratings) shall be marked on each container.

B30. FULL LOT CONTROL: Often referred to as FDA (Federal Drug Administration) lot control. All parts must be identified by lot numbers.


Appendix "C" Dated 11/06/93

QP00029: Supplier Quality Requirements

This appendix to QP00029 establishes the requirements and matching code number for products owned by Delphian Corporation or by American Gas and Chemical Company Ltd. but shipped to another supplier. If requested on a Purchase Order (P.O.) this document is an integral part of the Purchase Order. The Specific requirements of this appendix that apply to a P.O. are called out by code number on the P.O.

C1. Drop Shipment of Company Material
1. When directed by purchase order to ship Company product to another facility not owned by the Company, the following shall apply:
A. A copy of all documentation required is to accompany the product.
B. A second copy of all documentation required is to be sent to Purchasing at the Company.

2. Suppliers when requested shall also fax a copy of all required documentation to the Company for approval prior to the shipment of product. Notification of acceptance by the Company will be provided by purchasing.

3. Only those quantities specifically identified on the purchase order to be drop shipped are authorized for drop shipment. All other quantities shall be shipped as directed by purchase order or shall be held at the supplier's facility pending shipping instructions.

C2. Company Furnished (Bailment) Material
The supplier shall at a minimum assure the following:
1. Examination upon receipt for damage in transit.
2. Examination for completeness and proper type.
3. Periodic Inventory to verify the counts and condition of the material.

C3. Damaged Company Furnished Material)
1. The supplier shall report to the Company any Company furnished material found to be damaged, malfunctioning or otherwise unsuitable for use.
2. If damage/malfunction occurs after receipt or use, determination of cause/corrective action is required.

Material Drop Shipped by one Supplier to another
The supplier receiving drop shipped material from another supplier, before beginning any secondary operation, must complete a Incoming Inspection and fax the report to the Company's purchasing department as described in QP00015: Receiving Inspection Reports.


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