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  Immersion Leak Testing Additives  


By lowering the surface tension and increasing the wetting ability of water, a leak in a pressurized immersed vessel will generate a steady stream of tiny bubbles instead of an occasional larger bubble as with untreated water. Small leaks will produce bubble indications that are impossible with normal water. The CIM Immersit series will not foam, will not support bacteria growth and are formulated to prevent corrosion. Although their use is recommended with deionized  or distilled water, they are chelated to be compatible with mildly hard water. Immersit additives are biodegradable. They meet the requirements of ASTM E515 Sec 8 on Immersion Leak Testing.


Immersion testing of pressurized vessel BEFORE the addition of IMMERSIT.   Occasional bubbles will break towards the surface.

Immersion testing of pressurized vessel AFTER the addition of IMMERSIT. A steady stream of small bubbles will break towards the water surface

Add IMMERSIT to deionized water in testing tank in ratio of 1 to 25% IMMERSIT in the testing tank.   Immersit mixes with water with minimal stirring.





Recommended for aluminum, stainless steel and titanium. Temperature range 5oC-93o C (41oF-200o F )


Provides corrosion protection for steel, copper, brass, magnesium, aluminum, bronze, galvanized steel and other ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys.
 Temperature range 5oC-93o C (41oF-200o F )


IMMERSIT Available Packaging:

*phone orders only

Code -05 Gallon Bottles
*Code -06 Five Gallon Pails
*Code -07 55-Gallon Drums


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